Allentown | 1 Alarm Fire | 140 S. Blank St
| Allentown, PA (Lehigh County) | 1 Alarm Fire | 140 S Blank St | FD reports working fire in a 2 story middle of row home |...
| Allentown, PA (Lehigh County) | 1 Alarm Fire | 140 S Blank St | FD reports working fire in a 2 story middle of row home |...
11/15/2018 4:59 PM PA| Lehigh| Allentown| Truck Fire| Lehigh St & Lawrence Ct| FD on scene with a truck fully involved.
11/15/2018 4:30 AM PA| Lehigh| Allentown| Working Fire| 513 N 7th St| Units are on scene with smoke showing at the rear. Crews are...